Jakarta congestion solution
Jakarta every day to get additional new vehicle which is not balanced, compared with the growing road. As a result, in the year 2014 predicted bottleneck since we already started removing the vehicle from the home garage. What can we do to address them?
Many solutions have been offered to solve this impasse. The following will be discussed several alternatives that may be made by the local government of DKI
First, build a mass transportation system. This time have built busway, but far from adequate capacity. Every day is busy, passengers must be thrust in and stop the bus. How might a private motorist to switch to the busway.
Jabotabek rail capacity must also be dibereskan. Sad to see one of our brothers and sisters that train in the mill economy. As the people take advantage of this train service, I know how to correct it in the car. Hot, smelly, kejepit, sebel, all gathered into one.
Second, the reverse of working hours. Working hours, civil servants and school children to dimajukan at 06.30. Meanwhile, employees at private dimundurkan to 09.00. This proposal seems reasonable as well, but what about the employees of the private sector should deliver their children to school.
Where they are from after school? Properly they will do in the way to the office. Means that congestion is not reduced. Begitupun need to count back how many percent of private sector employees who accompany children to school (without driver). Significant or not.
Third, apply the odd and even number for the vehicle. This proposal seems to be also allowed. But later in practice, many people buy a car so that both can rotate. When whole day, dikeluarkanlah car berplat complete. At odd hours, dikeluarkanlah car berplat odd.
Fourth, the capital of the country. Proposal for the long term this is very good. But in the short term can not be implemented because the new capital city should be prepared first. Can be for many years to prepare for the new capital city. Jakarta trigger the oldest in the street.
Fifth, the company operates a flextime. With the internet, business office administration that actually can be done from home or cafe. For field work, such as perhaps wiraniaga visited customers can choose from the nearest house first. New and coordination meetings conducted in the office at 13:00 each.
How beautiful if employees can come to the office around 10:00. Pulangnya add 7-8 hours to live, according to the hours of work. Meanwhile, another employee came at 11:00 so that the burden of road reduced.
Or if would like more extreme, the employee can do all the work in the house completely. Coordination in the office be conducted via phone, internet, fax, or 3G. If coordination is required face to face, the employee is called to the office.
Work related to public services such as banks, hospitals, terminals, super market at this time actually has a different working hours, working hours with the public. Accent, for example, departs from the house at around 04.00 in the morning while others are still terlelap.
To implement flextime at this time is not easy. Most companies do not have to trust employees. Some of the boss still consider face-to-face meetings as a method to control the workplace subordinates. Unfortunately indeed, technology is not utilized optimally.
Slow, culture requires employees who work in the office has been abandoned for that, especially in the non-service companies that do not require physical contact. If can be done in the home must be in the office? Changing patterns of this may be the same difficulty with the changing attitudes cross-pass us. Either until at ...