Study the book of this time peel the paper al-'Allamah 'Atha' of Abu Rasytah titled Al-al-Iqtishâdiyyah fantastic, Wâqi'uhâ wa Mu'âlajatuhâ (Economic Crisis, reality and the solution). In general, this book provides a description of the full reality of a country's economic crisis and complete solution to the problem. The economic crisis here include the addition of volume issues, procurement, property and stability of a country; pendistribusiannya also the way in the middle of the community.
Unlike the other crisis, the economic crisis the country is usually the weight of a crisis that requires more energy flow to complete. For that, this crisis must be solved immediately, and can not be sustained until the destruction of a country.
Economic crisis reality
According to the 'Atha' of Abu Rasytah, so that this economic crisis can be solved easily, we must first understand how the state of affairs and the property crisis possibilities that could arise. After that, then we search for solutions (solutions) for these problems. All that we can understand, if we work carefully examine the two important factors: (1) unity means of exchange (medium exchanger) or a currency, (2) balance of payment equilibrium.
1. Money (Medium Exchanger): From System Gold Go Fiat Money.
Until World War I broke out, the world still using the system of currency based on gold and silver. However, countries in the world are forced to use paper money system broken when World War I. After World War I over, in the year 1922 Conference held in Geneva, which resulted in a decision to return to the gold system. However, this system does not make someone easily exchange currency with gold. They may only exchange currency at the borders of the minimum set by law. Therefore, someone who would like to exchange currency with gold is stored at the Central Bank can only exchange money at a certain limit. In France, for example, the minimum limit is 12 kg of gold a value equivalent to 215,000 frank. This value is too large so difficult to get the gold that has limited its use in foreign trade. Conditions also make people who have a certain amount of money that does not reach the minimum for menukarkannya with gold.
However, the use of gold, this system does not survive long, especially after the world economic crisis occurred (malaise) in the year 1926, which caused many countries need money in a large scale. In the year 1931, leaving the English system of gold, followed by France in the year 1936, and the United States in the year 1933.
In the year 1944, meeting was held at Bretton Woods that agreed to return to the gold system. However, the Bretton Woods system is different from the previous system of gold. Grains agreement ditelorkan in Bretton Woods conference is as follows:
1. Member countries should associate with the currency of pure gold on a certain balance, but does not give freedom to every individual or organization exchange currency with gold is in the Central Bank. Only the dollar can be exchanged with the gold if the availability dinisbahkan abroad. Terms of this kind is based by the two. First: America has the largest gold reserves in the world, ie, the 2 / 3 of the total availability of gold in the world, the value is equivalent to 25 billion dollars. Second: the ambition to dominate American political and economic world. With this system, countries of the world no longer associate the currency with pure gold, but with paper money issued by the United States called the dollar. With this system, the United States can freely exchange currency with gold, but rather, a country store currency to U.S. dollars at the Bank Sentralnya is not free in exchange dolarnya American Central Bank. Therefore, a system called the Bretton Woods System Gold Exchange. So called because of the currency in the world can be exchanged for the currency of gold, that is, dollars.
2. Member countries are obliged to set currency exchange rates based on state policies that are tailored to the back up of gold and dollars that allow exchangeable with gold. This conference provides tolerance to 1% for value ratio pertukarannya.
3. Konferansi also trigger the birth of two of the world monetary institutions, IMF and World Bank, the dikemudian day become evident only tool to force the United States a number of political and economic policies. In fact, these two institutions are also not able to overcome the crisis, the crisis even more memperparah developing countries.
Bretton Woods system continues to stand up to this end the United States not to associate the dollar with gold, in 1971. After that, the currency is no longer guaranteed by the gold and silver, but are guaranteed by law the state. As a result, the world monetary system more stable and not vulnerable to the economic crisis set off sustained.
2. Balance of Payment equilibrium.
Balance of payment equilibrium is a comprehensive calculation of the payment (international transactions) across the country for a certain period, regardless of temperament more transactions. Usually, the balance of payment balance is divided into two: (1) credit balance, (2) debit balance. Credit balance includes the sale of goods and services abroad; every investment income of domestic residents abroad in the domestic economy, receiving money from abroad, gifts or grants from abroad, and selling shares and bonds to foreign countries and other . Debit balance includes the purchase of goods and services from abroad (imports), the property investment income return of foreign countries, which is in the domestic economy, any expenditure of money to foreign countries, giving gifts or grants to foreign countries, and the purchase of shares or bonds of foreign .
Therefore, the balance of payment shows the movement of money from one country to another. However, he does not show the overall value of a right or obligation of a country against the international.
Balance "run export and import run" that took place at 1 year with a balance of trade. The import and export balance and walk that is not running with the named transaction in the balance of trade payments. Usually, the balance of trade is the most important items that can describe many things, even, almost 2 / 3 of the overall condition. However, balance of payment is not always proportionate to the balance of trade reversed. The balance of payment include elements that differ. For example, the balance of payment in Germany in 1925 because the balance of debt to get as many as 900 million Mark. Equilibrium is not caused by the increase in the number of export. Similarly, the balance of payment in the United States in 1929 experienced weakness, because the U.S. government make massive investments abroad, not because of weakness in the balance sheet perdagangannya. This is called the balance of payment. Typically, the economic crisis caused by a country's balance of payment that is not in balance.
After the balance sheet and cash payment, is clear to us that most of the economic crisis in the world is caused by the currency crisis and balance of payment. However, there are other causes of the crisis that is not less important, and not at all related to the issue of currency and balance of payment, ie, the distribution of property issues in the middle of the community. In fact, this is the factor (the distribution of wealth disparities) that "sejatinya" cause the world economic crisis.
Due to Economic Crisis Currencies
When the system supported by the world monetary system of gold, the world monetary situation is stable and rarely touches the crisis. Conversely, when the international monetary system replaced by a gold exchange system (Bretton Woods), and forwarded with the regular paper money, the world is very vulnerable to the international monetary crisis. Even if a country's monetary crisis, the crisis is spreading fast, and attack other countries (contagion effect).
When the system applied to the gold exchange, currencies in countries around the world linked to the dollar. True, when the United States still has the largest gold reserves in the world so that it can still back up mem-dollars circulating outside the country. However, when the economic crisis years 1961 and 1965, there appeared that the gold reserves in the United States can not afford more mem-back up a lot of dollars circulating outside the country. As a result, the exchange with the dollar gold equivalen no longer with the price of gold exchange official at the Bretton Woods agreement. As a result, appear to the public mistrust of dollars, and the dollar weakened in a flash with the economic crisis which is very severe. All this indicates that the monetary system that initiated the exchange of gold in the Bretton Woods also vulnerable cause a crisis.
Similarly, the system of paper currency usual, this system is also vulnerable to the crisis. The value of currency in a country associated with the value of the currency world. Even the value of the currency of a country is influenced by political and economic condition of other countries. As a result, if a currency other countries affected by the crisis, the crisis will be spreading very quickly to other countries. We can watch with the naked eye. When the monetary crisis Thailand, the crisis is quickly spreading in almost all Asian countries become a multidimensional crisis.
All this shows that the monetary crisis that hit the world, is caused by a system that moneternya very weak.
Balance of Payment crisis effects
Basically, the economic crisis the country is also influenced by the balance sheet ketidaksetimbangan payment. The weakness of a country's balance of payment due to the income balance (credit) card can not back up the proportion of expenditure-expenditure countries (debit balance). The weakness of income due to balance many factors, including: perluasaan import of raw materials and production equipment; increasing volume of export goods due to consumer weakness in domestic production; expansion to overseas investment; macetnya production because terganggunya security in the country due to war , and unrest; not stabilnya dollar exchange rate, damage to the state apparatus in managing the country and so forth.
Inequity in the balance sheet income of a country, if not too risky, may be still to be completed if the country is able independently to cover it with the right economic policies. However, the discrepancy will be turned into a crisis if the country does not have an adequate flow of funds to re-cover the imbalance for a while, until the country is able to increase its export and minimize impornya; and is able to create a policy and economic and political steps to balance the payment balance again .
There are other causes of the economic crisis that is not associated with the issue of currency and balance of payment, ie, the distribution problem of goods and services in the middle of the community. Inequity in the distribution of this fact is a dominant factor in the capitalist economic system. Could be said of a country in a surplus balance payment, and currency is also stable. However, if goods, services, and the currency is only a group of men are occupied, it will happen on the economic problems of a group of other human beings, due ketidakmampuannya access to goods and services. On the basis of that, the problem of distribution of goods and services in the middle of the community is a fundamental problem in the economic life of the community.
On the Economic Crisis Solution
The only way to exit from the crisis caused by a monetary system is to return to the gold-based monetary system. Section, this system has been able to stabilize the monetary world within a very long time. Furthermore, this system is immune from inflation. Therefore, when the world economic crisis was most severe, the year 1926, many people called to return to the gold system. This system is universal and fixed. When you have 100 grams of gold, he can change for you with any currency in the world, without reducing the bit value. This shows that this system is universal and not affected by the divider of the nation, state, and political turmoil.
In addition, the obligation to use gold and silver as monetary standards have been outlined by nash-nash sharia. For that, go back to the gold-based monetary standard is the obligation for the Muslim sharia.
According Syakih 'Atha' of Abu Rasytah, to return to this system must be agreed on the terms of the following. First: there is freedom in the export and import of gold. In other words, the exit-entry of gold in the world should not be limited to the specific requirements or restrictions. This is intended to allow the value tukarnya be stable and continue to awake. Second: the freedom to exchange currency in any of the back-up with gold, with gold, anytime and anywhere, according to the value of dikandungnya. Third: there is freedom in the print and melt gold currency.
Meanwhile, to overcome the economic crisis due to balance of payment, the balance is caused by the inflow (credit) is no longer able to cover expenses of a country. For the steps required to balance the payment balance. However, during this step is taken by developing countries is to rely on borrowing from abroad ribawi, withdrawal tax, the sale of state assets (privatization), and others. Ironically, the steps in the future would increase the burden for the balance of payment.
In fact, many important things that can be taken from this book. However, due to limited places, things that can not be important in the assessment disarikan book this time.
Truly, this book is a valuable contrib Hizbut Tahrir's Amir to settle the economic crisis caused by the fragility of the world monetary system and balance of payments.