Mapping of the National Market, Intellectual Unemployment Solutions
Central government needs to do the mapping job market for university graduates in Indonesia. Mapping of the job market this professional reference will be to open a university program of study that directly match the needs of the workplace.
Dodi Nandika Secretary General Ministry said in a three-month mapping is expected to be complete, so it can be a guideline for the various universities to develop courses that are required.
"Must diakuinya now universities have not been up to in developing this course and have a direct relationship with the world of work needed by the alumni and national industry," said Dodi Nandika in Jakarta on Friday (15 / 2).
Pernyatan is associated with the current number of intellectual unemployment in Indonesia continues to grow. This is happening because the government policy that allowed several universities to open a new program of study does not answer the needs of the workplace.
The result of the survey work force in February 2007 BPS national unemployment record 10.5 million (9.75%). Meanwhile, unemployment intellectual recorded 740,206 people or 7.02%.
In addition, mapping of the job market for university graduates, he said the government is doing a review a number of courses that are considered less prospect of the intellectual labor market. And, encourage universities to take courses that have a vision of the future better, such as livestock and agriculture.
"Universities are also not advisable to create a program of study is too detailed, but somewhat flexible," said the former Head of R & D this ministry.
The industry is also expected to as much as possible menyerapkan intellectual energy pemagangan with the provision of facilities and training and so to be able to work in the industry.
Government prepared a number of incentive for industry to provide support for the progress of national education is, among others, keringan tax, taxes, import of raw materials, tax holiday, and so forth.
Should occur, the relationship together, between the universities, the industry, and the local government.
For example, the government facilitating the industry to develop the potential in the area. "Say Mataram rich pearls, seaweed, and so on. So far there are no experts pearls and seaweed in the area," he said.
In addition, dengna conduct cooperation with foreign countries, so that the alumni of the national universities more professional and have the ability to compete in the world of work both in the country and abroad.