Current real! A certain kind of face a baby snake
Recordings Hospital in Mecca ....
This incident actually happened in the real
Makkah .....
Patients go to Makkah for the Umrah.
Departure 10 Jun 2007 and returned to Malaysia 27 Jun
This incident occurred in the real hospital Makkah.
A mother in this Games have had 2 people
daughter and third child Containing Medium
Doctors said the children in Gynecology
abortion at that time was also a woman.
The One in the pregnant mother hopes she Children
Male doctor, but because He has memfonis
women, therefore the mother is very upset and does not
Give what he uterus that time.
Finally there are any Friends or relatives ask
What about the Baby in the abortion at this time he
Replied with a resentful and annoyed "I expectant
Arrive a day specified Allah the Mother
Baby delivered after the fact God is Born
Swt memberplihat baby face that resembles snakes.
The Milister may not Really Trust and with
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When you do the test, you are demonstrating the power in understanding the lecture material, or in making certain tasks. If you hesitate to test honesty or credibility of the tests to test power, Meet
pembimbingmu lecturers.
Testing provides a basic evaluation and assessment
against the development of belajarmu.
There are several environmental conditions,
including attitudes and kondisimu itself, which mempengaruhimu in doing the test.
Ten tips to help you in the exam:
Come to the preparation of cooked and earlier.
Bring all the stationery that you need, such as pencil, pen, calculator, dictionary, minutes (hand), eraser, tip ex, ruler, and others. This equipment will help you to maintain concentration during the test.
Calm and confident.
Remind yourself that you are ready and will do the test properly.
Bersantailah but alert.
Choose a chair or a comfortable place to take the test. Make sure you get enough to place it. Pertahankan sit upright position.
Preview shoptalk ujianmu first (when the test does not have a time limited)
Take 10% of the overall test time to read shoptalk examination in depth, mark the key words and decided that the time required for each problem. Plan to do the easy problems first, a new problem tersulit. When you read shoptalk, note also ideas that appear to be used as answers.
Answer shoptalk test strategically.
Start with the simple questions that you know, then the shoptalk that has the highest value. Last question that you should do is:
o matter the most difficult
o takes a long time to write the answer
o have the smallest value
When the shoptalk ganda options, know the answers must be selected / to guess.
At start, ignore the one you know. Tebaklah always an option when there is no reduction in the value of punishment, or when there is no option that you can ignore. Do not guess an option when you do not know exactly when the sentence reduction and value in use. Because the first choice akan jawabanmu usually correct, do not change it unless you are sure of the correction that you do.
When the exam essay question, first think about the answer before writing.
Create a framework for short essay answers to the first record some ideas that you want to write. Then nomori ideas for the sort which you want to discuss first.
When the exam essay question, answer directly the main points.
Write a sentence pokokmu in the first sentence. Use the first paragraph as esaimu overview. Use paragraphs next to discuss the main points of mendetil. Support poinmu with specific information, for example, or quote from the reading or catatanmu.
Sisihkan 10% waktumu to check back jawabanmu.
Check jawabanmu; avoid the desire to immediately leave the class immediately after you said all shoptalk examination. Check that you have completed all questions. Read jawabanmu back to check the spelling, the structure of language and punctuation. Answers to math, check if you have any faux pas (such as putting a decimal). Compare the answers with the actual matematikamu the capsule.
Analysis of the results ujianmu.
Each test can help you prepare for the next exam. Decide which strategy is appropriate with. Determine which strategies work and which do not change. Use previous exam papers when the end of the study for the exam.
Mapping of the National Market, Intellectual Unemployment Solutions
Central government needs to do the mapping job market for university graduates in Indonesia. Mapping of the job market this professional reference will be to open a university program of study that directly match the needs of the workplace.
Dodi Nandika Secretary General Ministry said in a three-month mapping is expected to be complete, so it can be a guideline for the various universities to develop courses that are required.
"Must diakuinya now universities have not been up to in developing this course and have a direct relationship with the world of work needed by the alumni and national industry," said Dodi Nandika in Jakarta on Friday (15 / 2).
Pernyatan is associated with the current number of intellectual unemployment in Indonesia continues to grow. This is happening because the government policy that allowed several universities to open a new program of study does not answer the needs of the workplace.
The result of the survey work force in February 2007 BPS national unemployment record 10.5 million (9.75%). Meanwhile, unemployment intellectual recorded 740,206 people or 7.02%.
In addition, mapping of the job market for university graduates, he said the government is doing a review a number of courses that are considered less prospect of the intellectual labor market. And, encourage universities to take courses that have a vision of the future better, such as livestock and agriculture.
"Universities are also not advisable to create a program of study is too detailed, but somewhat flexible," said the former Head of R & D this ministry.
The industry is also expected to as much as possible menyerapkan intellectual energy pemagangan with the provision of facilities and training and so to be able to work in the industry.
Government prepared a number of incentive for industry to provide support for the progress of national education is, among others, keringan tax, taxes, import of raw materials, tax holiday, and so forth.
Should occur, the relationship together, between the universities, the industry, and the local government.
For example, the government facilitating the industry to develop the potential in the area. "Say Mataram rich pearls, seaweed, and so on. So far there are no experts pearls and seaweed in the area," he said.
In addition, dengna conduct cooperation with foreign countries, so that the alumni of the national universities more professional and have the ability to compete in the world of work both in the country and abroad.
Global Warming Solutions according to the UN climate leaders, rajendra Pachauri
London: Become A Vegetarian A Living Environment, the message rajendra Pachauri, the ABC channel directly.
Also mentioned, that Pachauri, head of the UN climate experts who are in town to attend the meeting of the IPCC-gas emission reduction of greenhouse gases.
He then spoke directly to the ABC correspondent broadcast data that Food and Agriculture Organization World (FAO), 18%, emissions of greenhouse gases emissions world is derived from the production of meat that exceed emissions by transport sector, with such force that looks for suggestions for adopt new dietary habits for the sake megurangi danger for our planet.
UN climate experts. further, said that he recommends all States to reduce the production of meat, but to emphasize the certainty that this should be mandatory.
He suggested that with a higher price for meat products, we can end the production and save our earth.
Indonesia is one of the developing countries that need a large supply of energy. Currently, Indonesia that has around 239 million people need electricity as much as 142.53 TWH with a capacity of national power around 34 giga watts. And in the upcoming year 2025, estimated that electricity demand will rise to 100 giga watt.
Fact energy needs was not offset by the availability of energy sources that we owned the land. As an illustration, the actual oil Indonesia is estimated to reach only 18 more years, production of gas reserves estimated at 61 years, and reserves of coal about 147 years. In fact, 54% use of renewable energy in Indonesia comes from petroleum, 26.5% from natural gas, and 14% comes from coal. Therefore, the need to source alternative energy to replace the energy generated by fossil fuels and natural gas.

Why Nuclear?
reactorPenggunaan and utilization of alternative energy other than fossil fuels is a must considering the limited source of energy is. Among the alternative sources of energy can be sources of renewable energy (Renewable) such as water, wind, sunlight and tidal water. Unfortunately, the utilization of renewable energy is still very limited and small in scale. PLTA is less possible built in Java. Sunlight energy (solar) terkendala with expensive solar panel (solar cell) and small because the energy produced is not continuous. Geothermal Energy (Geothermal) akan potential but not always in place the necessary geographic constraints). Energy derived from wind is also difficult to remember the expected wind speed and direction in the equatorial regions are not always the same.
Nuclear energy is an energy alternative to the relatively large potential to substitute fossil energy. At this time, regardless of new exploration, world uranium reserves will be sufficient to meet world energy needs up to 100 years. And with the technology and processing, breeding (on a certain type of reactor), even up to 3600 will be sufficient future.
Alternative energy that will replace the position of fossil energy also must be efficient and environmentally friendly. A nuclear reactor will produce heat and moisture will produce high bertekanan to play the power turbine. Thermal energy generated by burning 1kg pure uranium-235 is about the size of the 17 billion Kkal, or the equivalent of burning 2.4 million kg of coal.
Related to efficiency, the cost of electricity production is a PLTN approximately 3.5 - 4.5 cents per kWh to U.S. dollars. Much cheaper than the price of electricity is now estimated at 7 cents per kWh to U.S. dollars.
Security and Safety Issues
When talking about nuclear, which is then usually be a war, weapons, and accidents. Of course this is reasonable because the world still haunt the Chernobyl reactor accident in the Union Sovyet, reactor accident Three Miles Island in the U.S., and destroyed the city leburnya Hiroshima and Nagasaki because the atomic bomb on Japan. But then what is that opinion is no good in nuclear energy?
Islam has given the understanding that everything on earth is not for human kemaslahatan. About how and to what is used by humans, it is submitted to the individual or collective human itself.
"O people, remember God will favor you. Is there a creator besides Allah who can give rezki to you from the heavens and the earth? There is no god but He: then are you turned away (from ketauhidan)?"
(Faathir (35): 3)
Security-related issues such as the use for nuclear weapons, the United Nations, through the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) was set in the NPT (Non-Proliferation Tractat), which use nuclear for peaceful purposes. And Indonesia is one of three countries-the first two, namely Norway and Australia, which signed the CSA (Comprehensive Safeguard Agreement). In addition, there are technical things that can not be tolerated related to making nuclear weapons. Plutonium and uranium that can be used as nuclear weapons have to be The level (pen.: Enrichment - refinement) in the top 80%. Meanwhile, a commercial nuclear reactor can operate with a uranium enrich-in of 5%, and The maximum limit for a commercial reactor is set IAEA of 20%.
Another related issue is the nuclear safety. Is a must for the IAEA to keep the use of nuclear energy in the world to stay safe and in accordance with the objectives of the peace. Therefore, there are many prerequisites before a specified of a nuclear reactor. As a small example such as the geology, the history of disaster (earthquake, tsunami, etc.) for several hundred years back, human resources readiness, and so on. Standard building a nuclear reactor even far above the standard for building the military. And even after the stand, the IAEA will continue to periodically monitor the reactor is.
About the dangers of nuclear accidents, it has been anticipated since the making of reactor design itself. PLTN have a design security and anticipating the accident flake. Design a safety PLTN include: Safeguard safety first; PLTN designed, built, and operated in accordance with very strict conditions, a high quality and sophisticated technology. Second layer of safety; PLTN equipped with system security / safety that is used to prevent and overcome the consequences of accidents that may occur during the age PLTN. And a third layer of safety; PLTN equipped with additional security system, which can be estimated to occur in a PLTN.
The majority of the nuclear reactor in the world at this time belong to the generation II nuclear reactor that has operated safely and securely (cat.: Reactor at Chernobyl is a reactor type RBMK-1000 reactor is classified in the generation I). And to the future, the nuclear reactor that is used in PLTN generation III and III + is more economical and more protected from the possibility of error caused the accident or natural disaster.
About waste, nuclear waste processing has become a serious attention from the nuclear expert since the first. No radioactive waste contamination to the natural surrounding, well water, land and air. Water (sea / river) which is used as cooling medium for some types of reactor, and not carry oxygen-radioactive substances in pendinginannya cycle. Gas issued by a PLTN very small (about 2 milicurie / year) so it does not impact the environment.
On PLTN, most of the waste generated waste activity is low (70 - 80%). While the activity level of waste generated from the recycling of waste. Handling of radioactive waste in general, includes three things: 1.) Reduce the volume way evaporasi, insenerasi, kompaksi (pressed). 2.) Forms a stable process (both physical and chemical) for ease in transportation and storage. 3.) Storing the waste has been processed in a diisolasi.
HR readiness
In the preparation of development PLTN, BATAN has formed a partnership with various parties in foreign countries, especially with countries in the development of advanced PLTN, such as the United States (Westinghouse, General Electric, the US-doe), Canada (AECL, Nordion and AECB), South Korea (KAERI, KHNP), Japan (JAERI, JAEA, MHI), France (CEA, AREVA) and Russia (ROSATOM). Forms of cooperation include joint study, familiarization with the design of the NPP, training, on the job training, Managerial and technical issues and exchange of information.
In addition, three research-scale reactor that was built in Indonesia (one of the oldest built in 1965) has contributed not a little to the community through the field of medicine, agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, etc.. And for this, has never been an accident that resulted in the victim lives or very severe on the research reactor facility. This proves that the human resources that have and will continue to grow the human resources is a powerful and teruji.
Anywhere in the world, the decision to build nuclear installations for the purpose of fulfilling energy needs will ultimately be at the social-political skup. Ready technology at a state-owned. Not with the exception of Indonesia. History has proven how the west and east of the country continues to try to drop by Soekarno as more than 'can not be controlled by any block, under the leadership of Indonesia, he began to have the potential of dangerous nuclear technology. In the end, be under the Soekarno western conspiracy. Indonesia and the potential nuclear slowly subside under the leadership successor.
Technology, nuclear technology is the most sophisticated and advanced at this time. Who has this technology, he can disejajarkan with developed countries. In addition, the need for energy is cheap, efficient and friendly environment is needed at this time, and Indonesia to the front in particular. Is a step that 'berani'-and-nekad', a country of Indonesia pitch more than 50% of energy from oil price fluctuation is in the world market. Because if it has a good faith, the government must take bold steps to rescue the firm's energy resources of Indonesia. In addition to preparation in the field of technology, especially pencerdasan people associated with the peaceful use of nuclear for energy solutions and is a great PR that can not be ignored. Government Regulation (PP) of Nuclear Reactor License No. 43/2006 has been at least a little to prove seriousness Government. However, keberjalanannya still need to be monitored and be under guard. So that there is no longer a concern akan energy needs for children-our grandchildren.
Study the book of this time peel the paper al-'Allamah 'Atha' of Abu Rasytah titled Al-al-Iqtishâdiyyah fantastic, Wâqi'uhâ wa Mu'âlajatuhâ (Economic Crisis, reality and the solution). In general, this book provides a description of the full reality of a country's economic crisis and complete solution to the problem. The economic crisis here include the addition of volume issues, procurement, property and stability of a country; pendistribusiannya also the way in the middle of the community.
Unlike the other crisis, the economic crisis the country is usually the weight of a crisis that requires more energy flow to complete. For that, this crisis must be solved immediately, and can not be sustained until the destruction of a country.
Economic crisis reality
According to the 'Atha' of Abu Rasytah, so that this economic crisis can be solved easily, we must first understand how the state of affairs and the property crisis possibilities that could arise. After that, then we search for solutions (solutions) for these problems. All that we can understand, if we work carefully examine the two important factors: (1) unity means of exchange (medium exchanger) or a currency, (2) balance of payment equilibrium.
1. Money (Medium Exchanger): From System Gold Go Fiat Money.
Until World War I broke out, the world still using the system of currency based on gold and silver. However, countries in the world are forced to use paper money system broken when World War I. After World War I over, in the year 1922 Conference held in Geneva, which resulted in a decision to return to the gold system. However, this system does not make someone easily exchange currency with gold. They may only exchange currency at the borders of the minimum set by law. Therefore, someone who would like to exchange currency with gold is stored at the Central Bank can only exchange money at a certain limit. In France, for example, the minimum limit is 12 kg of gold a value equivalent to 215,000 frank. This value is too large so difficult to get the gold that has limited its use in foreign trade. Conditions also make people who have a certain amount of money that does not reach the minimum for menukarkannya with gold.
However, the use of gold, this system does not survive long, especially after the world economic crisis occurred (malaise) in the year 1926, which caused many countries need money in a large scale. In the year 1931, leaving the English system of gold, followed by France in the year 1936, and the United States in the year 1933.
In the year 1944, meeting was held at Bretton Woods that agreed to return to the gold system. However, the Bretton Woods system is different from the previous system of gold. Grains agreement ditelorkan in Bretton Woods conference is as follows:
1. Member countries should associate with the currency of pure gold on a certain balance, but does not give freedom to every individual or organization exchange currency with gold is in the Central Bank. Only the dollar can be exchanged with the gold if the availability dinisbahkan abroad. Terms of this kind is based by the two. First: America has the largest gold reserves in the world, ie, the 2 / 3 of the total availability of gold in the world, the value is equivalent to 25 billion dollars. Second: the ambition to dominate American political and economic world. With this system, countries of the world no longer associate the currency with pure gold, but with paper money issued by the United States called the dollar. With this system, the United States can freely exchange currency with gold, but rather, a country store currency to U.S. dollars at the Bank Sentralnya is not free in exchange dolarnya American Central Bank. Therefore, a system called the Bretton Woods System Gold Exchange. So called because of the currency in the world can be exchanged for the currency of gold, that is, dollars.
2. Member countries are obliged to set currency exchange rates based on state policies that are tailored to the back up of gold and dollars that allow exchangeable with gold. This conference provides tolerance to 1% for value ratio pertukarannya.
3. Konferansi also trigger the birth of two of the world monetary institutions, IMF and World Bank, the dikemudian day become evident only tool to force the United States a number of political and economic policies. In fact, these two institutions are also not able to overcome the crisis, the crisis even more memperparah developing countries.
Bretton Woods system continues to stand up to this end the United States not to associate the dollar with gold, in 1971. After that, the currency is no longer guaranteed by the gold and silver, but are guaranteed by law the state. As a result, the world monetary system more stable and not vulnerable to the economic crisis set off sustained.
2. Balance of Payment equilibrium.
Balance of payment equilibrium is a comprehensive calculation of the payment (international transactions) across the country for a certain period, regardless of temperament more transactions. Usually, the balance of payment balance is divided into two: (1) credit balance, (2) debit balance. Credit balance includes the sale of goods and services abroad; every investment income of domestic residents abroad in the domestic economy, receiving money from abroad, gifts or grants from abroad, and selling shares and bonds to foreign countries and other . Debit balance includes the purchase of goods and services from abroad (imports), the property investment income return of foreign countries, which is in the domestic economy, any expenditure of money to foreign countries, giving gifts or grants to foreign countries, and the purchase of shares or bonds of foreign .
Therefore, the balance of payment shows the movement of money from one country to another. However, he does not show the overall value of a right or obligation of a country against the international.
Balance "run export and import run" that took place at 1 year with a balance of trade. The import and export balance and walk that is not running with the named transaction in the balance of trade payments. Usually, the balance of trade is the most important items that can describe many things, even, almost 2 / 3 of the overall condition. However, balance of payment is not always proportionate to the balance of trade reversed. The balance of payment include elements that differ. For example, the balance of payment in Germany in 1925 because the balance of debt to get as many as 900 million Mark. Equilibrium is not caused by the increase in the number of export. Similarly, the balance of payment in the United States in 1929 experienced weakness, because the U.S. government make massive investments abroad, not because of weakness in the balance sheet perdagangannya. This is called the balance of payment. Typically, the economic crisis caused by a country's balance of payment that is not in balance.
After the balance sheet and cash payment, is clear to us that most of the economic crisis in the world is caused by the currency crisis and balance of payment. However, there are other causes of the crisis that is not less important, and not at all related to the issue of currency and balance of payment, ie, the distribution of property issues in the middle of the community. In fact, this is the factor (the distribution of wealth disparities) that "sejatinya" cause the world economic crisis.
Due to Economic Crisis Currencies
When the system supported by the world monetary system of gold, the world monetary situation is stable and rarely touches the crisis. Conversely, when the international monetary system replaced by a gold exchange system (Bretton Woods), and forwarded with the regular paper money, the world is very vulnerable to the international monetary crisis. Even if a country's monetary crisis, the crisis is spreading fast, and attack other countries (contagion effect).
When the system applied to the gold exchange, currencies in countries around the world linked to the dollar. True, when the United States still has the largest gold reserves in the world so that it can still back up mem-dollars circulating outside the country. However, when the economic crisis years 1961 and 1965, there appeared that the gold reserves in the United States can not afford more mem-back up a lot of dollars circulating outside the country. As a result, the exchange with the dollar gold equivalen no longer with the price of gold exchange official at the Bretton Woods agreement. As a result, appear to the public mistrust of dollars, and the dollar weakened in a flash with the economic crisis which is very severe. All this indicates that the monetary system that initiated the exchange of gold in the Bretton Woods also vulnerable cause a crisis.
Similarly, the system of paper currency usual, this system is also vulnerable to the crisis. The value of currency in a country associated with the value of the currency world. Even the value of the currency of a country is influenced by political and economic condition of other countries. As a result, if a currency other countries affected by the crisis, the crisis will be spreading very quickly to other countries. We can watch with the naked eye. When the monetary crisis Thailand, the crisis is quickly spreading in almost all Asian countries become a multidimensional crisis.
All this shows that the monetary crisis that hit the world, is caused by a system that moneternya very weak.
Balance of Payment crisis effects
Basically, the economic crisis the country is also influenced by the balance sheet ketidaksetimbangan payment. The weakness of a country's balance of payment due to the income balance (credit) card can not back up the proportion of expenditure-expenditure countries (debit balance). The weakness of income due to balance many factors, including: perluasaan import of raw materials and production equipment; increasing volume of export goods due to consumer weakness in domestic production; expansion to overseas investment; macetnya production because terganggunya security in the country due to war , and unrest; not stabilnya dollar exchange rate, damage to the state apparatus in managing the country and so forth.
Inequity in the balance sheet income of a country, if not too risky, may be still to be completed if the country is able independently to cover it with the right economic policies. However, the discrepancy will be turned into a crisis if the country does not have an adequate flow of funds to re-cover the imbalance for a while, until the country is able to increase its export and minimize impornya; and is able to create a policy and economic and political steps to balance the payment balance again .
There are other causes of the economic crisis that is not associated with the issue of currency and balance of payment, ie, the distribution problem of goods and services in the middle of the community. Inequity in the distribution of this fact is a dominant factor in the capitalist economic system. Could be said of a country in a surplus balance payment, and currency is also stable. However, if goods, services, and the currency is only a group of men are occupied, it will happen on the economic problems of a group of other human beings, due ketidakmampuannya access to goods and services. On the basis of that, the problem of distribution of goods and services in the middle of the community is a fundamental problem in the economic life of the community.
On the Economic Crisis Solution
The only way to exit from the crisis caused by a monetary system is to return to the gold-based monetary system. Section, this system has been able to stabilize the monetary world within a very long time. Furthermore, this system is immune from inflation. Therefore, when the world economic crisis was most severe, the year 1926, many people called to return to the gold system. This system is universal and fixed. When you have 100 grams of gold, he can change for you with any currency in the world, without reducing the bit value. This shows that this system is universal and not affected by the divider of the nation, state, and political turmoil.
In addition, the obligation to use gold and silver as monetary standards have been outlined by nash-nash sharia. For that, go back to the gold-based monetary standard is the obligation for the Muslim sharia.
According Syakih 'Atha' of Abu Rasytah, to return to this system must be agreed on the terms of the following. First: there is freedom in the export and import of gold. In other words, the exit-entry of gold in the world should not be limited to the specific requirements or restrictions. This is intended to allow the value tukarnya be stable and continue to awake. Second: the freedom to exchange currency in any of the back-up with gold, with gold, anytime and anywhere, according to the value of dikandungnya. Third: there is freedom in the print and melt gold currency.
Meanwhile, to overcome the economic crisis due to balance of payment, the balance is caused by the inflow (credit) is no longer able to cover expenses of a country. For the steps required to balance the payment balance. However, during this step is taken by developing countries is to rely on borrowing from abroad ribawi, withdrawal tax, the sale of state assets (privatization), and others. Ironically, the steps in the future would increase the burden for the balance of payment.
In fact, many important things that can be taken from this book. However, due to limited places, things that can not be important in the assessment disarikan book this time.
Truly, this book is a valuable contrib Hizbut Tahrir's Amir to settle the economic crisis caused by the fragility of the world monetary system and balance of payments.
Jakarta congestion solution
Jakarta every day to get additional new vehicle which is not balanced, compared with the growing road. As a result, in the year 2014 predicted bottleneck since we already started removing the vehicle from the home garage. What can we do to address them?
Many solutions have been offered to solve this impasse. The following will be discussed several alternatives that may be made by the local government of DKI
First, build a mass transportation system. This time have built busway, but far from adequate capacity. Every day is busy, passengers must be thrust in and stop the bus. How might a private motorist to switch to the busway.
Jabotabek rail capacity must also be dibereskan. Sad to see one of our brothers and sisters that train in the mill economy. As the people take advantage of this train service, I know how to correct it in the car. Hot, smelly, kejepit, sebel, all gathered into one.
Second, the reverse of working hours. Working hours, civil servants and school children to dimajukan at 06.30. Meanwhile, employees at private dimundurkan to 09.00. This proposal seems reasonable as well, but what about the employees of the private sector should deliver their children to school.
Where they are from after school? Properly they will do in the way to the office. Means that congestion is not reduced. Begitupun need to count back how many percent of private sector employees who accompany children to school (without driver). Significant or not.
Third, apply the odd and even number for the vehicle. This proposal seems to be also allowed. But later in practice, many people buy a car so that both can rotate. When whole day, dikeluarkanlah car berplat complete. At odd hours, dikeluarkanlah car berplat odd.
Fourth, the capital of the country. Proposal for the long term this is very good. But in the short term can not be implemented because the new capital city should be prepared first. Can be for many years to prepare for the new capital city. Jakarta trigger the oldest in the street.
Fifth, the company operates a flextime. With the internet, business office administration that actually can be done from home or cafe. For field work, such as perhaps wiraniaga visited customers can choose from the nearest house first. New and coordination meetings conducted in the office at 13:00 each.
How beautiful if employees can come to the office around 10:00. Pulangnya add 7-8 hours to live, according to the hours of work. Meanwhile, another employee came at 11:00 so that the burden of road reduced.
Or if would like more extreme, the employee can do all the work in the house completely. Coordination in the office be conducted via phone, internet, fax, or 3G. If coordination is required face to face, the employee is called to the office.
Work related to public services such as banks, hospitals, terminals, super market at this time actually has a different working hours, working hours with the public. Accent, for example, departs from the house at around 04.00 in the morning while others are still terlelap.
To implement flextime at this time is not easy. Most companies do not have to trust employees. Some of the boss still consider face-to-face meetings as a method to control the workplace subordinates. Unfortunately indeed, technology is not utilized optimally.
Slow, culture requires employees who work in the office has been abandoned for that, especially in the non-service companies that do not require physical contact. If can be done in the home must be in the office? Changing patterns of this may be the same difficulty with the changing attitudes cross-pass us. Either until at ...