Annual flooding of the Jakarta State lbukota specter seems like that never passed. The experience of living in the Kali Ciliwung bantaran on various flood control program that never make the facts so they are reluctant to discuss it. Life without flooding into their lifelong dream. The idea of development Tirta Jaya prop may be one way out.
Of residents living in Ciliwung bantaran Times was not so like to hear matters related to flood control. There are two factors that trigger ketidaksukaan residents. First, the flood control program is feared akan menggusur where they live. Second, the government promises to membenahi bantaran Times Ciliwung never materialized.
Residents disappointed Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, because on the one hand frighten people with plans penggusuran. On the other hand, they often dijejali empty promises about pembenahan bantaran Ciliwung Times. According to the residents bantaran time, the government of DKI Jakarta has been planning a development along the wall to avoid the Times Ciliwung pendangkalan. Does the program is also planned along the Ciliwung bantaran time to avoid the wall penggerusan river.
TSJ or belt channel buffer Jakarta State Capital, is the idea of water governance in holistic, that is to secure water supplies and raw materials to control the wild flow of water from four major rivers in the west Cisadane, Ciliwung in the middle, Bekasi, and Citarum in the east each year threaten Jakarta flood amukan with the shipment.
Through this concept, 13 before entering the river to Jakarta, cut by the TSJ-shaped letter U. Reservoir reservoir control center can be built in Tangerang, Bogor, West Java. Air shipment Ciliwung rivers, Cisadane, Bekasi and reservoirs in Citarum ditampung Cibinong reservoirs and reservoir-crossing between the rivers and canals TSJ. Water canals and reservoirs, reservoir is also used to supply the basic needs of water quality for residents Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi). Also for hospitality industry, apartments and offices, as well as prevent the exploitation of ground water in a large-scale.
With the TSJ canal selebar 100 meters and along the more or less 200 kilometers, away form the letter U from the Estuary to Cibinong Mauk, Tangerang in the west, and from the Estuary Cibinong Jaya, in the east. This idea was born from the "Dream for Jakarta" Syaykh U.S.. Panji Gumilang, shoots the head of Al-Zaytun Education. TSJ also can function as a network irrigation, water power energy, tourism, infrastructure and river transportation, both passenger and goods transportation.
Sketsa Rencana Tirta Sangga Jaya (TSJ)
Peta Tirta Sangga Jaya
So the question, can the idea or dream realized as a reality? For development projects that TSJ monumental and spectacular, a cost which is very expensive, according to the estimate of approximately Rp. 900 trillion. However, the budget is that you can gradually when dipikul together by the Indonesian community that berkemampuan economically. This means the government can sell the debt of Letters (SUN) or the bond measure is not too long to the public.
Soalnya, TSJ expected to provide return (earnings) as construction is completed in time 8 years old (2015). TSJ revenue obtained from standard quality of water supply companies in the areas of drinking water, hotel, offices and apartments. Also from PLTA, water transportation, toll road transport and tourism.
Syaykh Al-Zaytun DR. U.S.. Panji Gumilang have their own calculation to collect funding for this project, if the debt is in Indonesia can borrow overseas to 40 billion U.S. dollars, the independent national project Tirta Jaya prop does not need to borrow abroad, but with the bonds issued only at the country. If 10 percent of the population who have money and still able to buy bonds worth at least 4200 U.S. dollars (equivalent to 38.64 million rupiah) then take them only with the already collected funds of 100.8 billion U.S. dollars, equivalent to 927,360 trillion rupiah. Tirta Jaya's dream prop was bound form.
Purnawarman king can make a river with very simple equipment. Of course in this era of progress, the son of the son of the nations best, with modern technology and equipment, will be able to create a reservoir, reservoir, toll roads and bridges.
The question whether the government have the political will (political will) to overcome the fundamental issues faced by the State Capital (Jakarta) the holistic and long-term. Not solely control the flood, but also the provision of water supply quality raw materials ekspolitasi termination of ground water, spatial restructuring and maintenance of environmental balance Jakarta.
If the problem is partial in Jakarta, for example, build a tunnel under ground water (deep tunnel), there, resapan water wells and water injection, it will not be a problem menyelesai thoroughly. Jakarta will not ever have a water supply of quality raw materials. Water standard time-time that Jakarta dijejali pollution is very serious. For standard water Ciliwung Times and other times-times, in the mud of the rainy season, and jet black in the dry season.
If only berkutat in, the water crisis in the State Capital of Jakarta, will not ever finish. Instead, the river that the river water will be dirty and tercemar. In fact very human need around 70% of the supply of clean water for their day-to-day.
If you need water in Jakarta is not planned and are effective from now on, the tempo in three or four years, capital city of this country, will experience a water crisis is very serious. For now only, sea water intrusion is the boat to Harmoni, Central Jakarta, and Tomang, West Jakarta. Slowly, Jakarta residents who lived in the area west, central, east and south, will face difficulties such as water that has been experienced by their brethren in the north.
When Jakarta has more rivers that drain off water that is clean and healthy, such as the large cities of the world other? How the fate Program Kali Bersih (Prokasih) Jakarta? When Jakarta akan free shipment of flooding?
All questions will only be built with the TSJ. Not work especial West Flood Canal or the East Flood Canal. Issue and control a supply of water in Jakarta, can not be treated from the middle or downstream. For the upstream source. Therefore, TSJ Jakarta akan protect from back and arm, something that is ideal, though expensive price.
Jakarta water crisis can only be overcome with planning and management of comprehensive water and measure the distance to the front. Key. let's start thinking to realize the "Dream for Jakarta" project through the monumental prop Tirta Jaya. []