The fuel needs of the world at this time to reach 215 million liters / day, can only be 178 million liters / day. Race energy experts explore alternative sources of energy other than fossil energy hasill. This plant also has a distinctive economic, stem buckwheat can be processed if the bio-ethanol (a kind of bio-diesel, bio-fuel, bio-energy that comes from the vegetable).
One of the benefits of bio-ethanol is able to make urban air sekotor not due to carbon kendaran issued by the fossil fuel. Development of buckwheat seeds to bio-ethanol is not difficult but it has not been generally recognized by knowledgeable farmers.
Based on research, buckwheat in Indonesia has a high productivity with an average of 7-9 tons per ha, higher than rice, wheat, and corn. If soil moisture is not a barrier, its productivity can reach 11 tons per ha. Buckwheat stem can produce between 96 percent ethanol, while the buckwheat one hectare can produce 60 to 90 tons of cigarettes, and when processed further, one hectare of the buckwheat produced approximately 6000 liters of premium.
Sweet Sorgum
Other advantages, the actual nutrition buckwheat is very high. Gambarannya, ate 3 pieces of processed buckwheat lemper in the morning able to hold up hungry at night 9. Can be a portion of the buckwheat with 3 portions of rice. Results of the study Puslitbang National Nuclear Power Agency (Batan), uterus not lose with buckwheat rice. In fact, overall, the actual nutrition of buckwheat language latinnya Sorghum bicolor (l) moench that, rather than much larger rice.
8 of nutrition in the buckwheat and rice, six of them with buckwheat diungguli by a big enough difference. Matrix protein, for example, in 100 grams of buckwheat are 11 grams of protein, whereas only 6.8 grams of rice. And the calcium, 28 mg in the buckwheat, and rice in the 6 mg.
Buckwheat seeds of the plant as a source of carbohydrate. This new alternative food as a substitute for rice that has been familiar with the people of Indonesia now. Utilization of buckwheat flour in the form of more profitable because it easily processed into a variety of snack products. Half-finished product processing of buckwheat that required advanced processing industry has generated many, covers the making of buckwheat and rice starch extraction.
Buckwheat solution will also save and import of wheat flour, uterus proteinnya almost the same but higher than flour tubers. In addition to substitution of wheat flour, rice, flour other carbohydrate.
Cultivation of buckwheat
Development of this type of crops can be successful when accompanied with the application of the technology package that includes pembudidayaan processing and simple. The first is the processing of land, more or less the same with corn, that is dibajak one or two times, digaru trim ago. Land that was ready to be planted must be cleared of weeds karma. Phase of growth is rather slow buckwheat approximately 3 - 4 weeks so that at the beginning of the growth is less able to compete against weeds. If you need to create drainage channels.
Then start planting, in general, plant buckwheat as a crop is planted in crops principal seta gogo rice, soybean or other plant palawija. When planted in monoculture plant population per hectare of around 100,000 - 150,000 plants. Plant the recommended distance is 75 x 25 cm or 75 x 20 cm with each of two (2) plants per hole. According to research results, increasing the population above 150,000 plants / hectare, still tended to increase although the hash is not very large.
At the time of planting, the seed is planted 2 - 3 seeds per hole. Thinning to 2 (two) plants per hole, made at the age of 2 weeks after planting. Stitching can be done with the seed or plant with the transfer of the old age (trans Planting) in a way round.
Care, fertilizer plants buckwheat is absolutely necessary is the dose of nitrogen fertilizer up to 90 kg Nitrogen or equal to 2 (two) kwintal urea per hectare. Addition of Fertilizers in the 45 kg or 1 kwintal TSP per hectare will give better results. Fertilization with potassium do with the dose 30 kg K20 per hectare. Fertilizer N is given twice the 1 / 3 part time at the plant together with all the manure. P and K, and 2 / 3 the rest are given at the age of 1 month after planting.
How, given all the fertilizer is spread in the deep larikan ± 1 cm. Fertilization for the first 7 cm distance in the left and right rows of crops, fertilization, while the second distance ± 15 cm.
At the beginning of the growth of buckwheat can not compete with weeds, because it must be arranged so that the area planted the trees are still young should be clean from weeds. First weeding can be done at the time of buckwheat plants aged 10 - 15 days after planting. Second weeding is done with both pembumbunan after fertilization. Pembubunan meant to strengthen the stem.
Nah, come harvest time ... buckwheat harvested when the seeds have been considered optimal cooking, usually ± 45 days after the seeds will form. Is the cut stalk start 7.5 - 15 cm below the seed using a sickle. Results trimming the size and tied with about 10 kg - 40 kg each ikatnya.
After that must be dried immediately. Drying is usually carried out by drying for up to ± 60 hours the water level reaches 10 seeds - 12%. Criteria for the level of drought to the way the seeds are usually bite bijinya. When a voice means that the seed has been dry. When the rainy days or high air humidity, drying can be done engan I hang up the stem-stem buckwheat over a fire in a room or on the kitchen fire.
Defoliation is done with traditional wood and hammer works on the floor or gunny. Leathering conducted continuously until the seeds loose. After that is done to separate the dirt penampian consisting of leaves, branches, dust or other dirt. Be a number of seeds from the top with a kotorannya that can be separated from the seeds with the help of the wind blowing.
To have achieved the best results and efficiency are encouraged to use the vessel so that the seeds remain clean, so try to seed dirontok immediately after harvest to prevent the attack of rodents and birds, and water content can not be more than 10 - 12% to prevent growth of fungi. [] From various source)